Atharva Patil

Atharva Patil, Product Designer living in Seattle

Currently I'm working as a Product Designer at Labelbox, an AI-assisted labeling, model training & diagnostics product suite. Previously, I led design at Atlas AI creating demand intelligence tools for organizations to operationalize their on-ground efforts more effectively. I worked on designing advanced flight search experiences at Kayak & the driver-partners apps at Olacabs, crafting experiences for the next billion users across Southeast Asia.

I like to embody an interdisciplinary philosophy to my craft, trying to break free from myopic barriers set by silos of disciplines. This curiosity led me to learn web development and hardware prototyping that I use both in a professional setting to collaborate with colleagues and bring my ideas to life.

After hours you can find me snuggled in a book, exploring Seattle, hiking, or engaged in a pointless debate with anyone willing. I'm always interested in new ideas and perspectives. Thanks for stopping by.