Welcome to my playground. A collection of small things I hacked together to learn a new skill, understand technology better, or prototype ideas in progress. I try to experiment & build things with new tech, which helps me explore AI and other emerging tech possibilities & limitations.
A to-do list inspired by the legend of Sisyphus
Recreating the classic Etch A Sketch by pointing a finger in different directions
A tinyML powered personal boxing trainer built using an Arduino
A web app to alert when you touch your face. Built with teachable machine
A posture tracker that blurs out youtube videos if you’re not sitting straight
Website listing all books & data viz of books read between 2013-23
Apply the style of “Roars of our Stars” fan art to yourself via webcam
Internal site for Atlas AI employees to create branded zoom backgrounds
Explore random alcoholic/non-alcoholic cocktail recipes
A nostalgic puzzle based arcade game to push the limits of play
A smart apron and iOS app to control cooking video playback
Play different minion sounds as you move your head across